Oct 27, 2012

Exercise - Walking on the Beach

Mid-October at Stinson Beach just before colder weather set in.
Between fresh air, waves breaking, a delicious picnic, and
the absolute joy on our pet's faces, we felt uplifted for days after.
According to several fitness websites and calorie counters, beach walking burns about 30% more calories than walking on a flat surface at the same speed.  The softer the sand, the harder your muscles work and burn even more calories.

The walk from Stinson Beach up to Bolinas and back is just over 5 miles roundtrip.  We didn't even realize how far we had walked because when you have a buddy and are engaged in good conversation, you don't even notice the distance.  Our calf muscles received a gentle workout and our bare feet were massaged by the smooth sand.

Walking 5.25 miles in 1-1/2 hours typically burns about 250 calories on a regular flat surface.  On sand, the calories burned goes up to 325 calories burned in the same time.  Or more.   Enjoy!

- Kim Fielding



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