Aug 19, 2014

Chicken and cholesterol

Types of cholesterol  - good or bad, sometimes could be very confusing. When you see your doctor they tell you that your cholesterol is high but... Our bad cholesterol is the LDL-cholesterol and it should be less than 165 if you're otherwise healthy.  It should be less than 130 if you have one medical condition, or less than 100 if you have diabetes, and less than 70 if you have already had a heart attack.  But even bad cholesterol LDL could be not so bad. Our good cholesterol is called HDL, and higher  numbers are better.  Sometimes your total cholesterol can be high because you have high HDL.  As I said, cholesterol can be confusing but your diet should not be confusing.
Let’s talk about chicken.
Today chicken is considered as a default healthy protein for most people.  Somehow chicken made a name for itself as a healthy meat but people should know that it doesn't lower cholesterol and as a matter of fact regular consumption of chicken will raise your cholesterol.  In reality, chicken is a big source of fat. Actually, chicken breast has exactly the same amount of fat as lean pork, beef or lamb.   Even white chicken meat raises cholesterol as it contains both saturated fat and cholesterol, plus the way the chicken is raised may have multiple other  unhealthy elements. 
Here are some facts about most chicken on the market.  Feedlot chickens are fed with hormones to make them grow faster, their feed is full of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and they are given antibiotics to keep them from getting sick while packed in with hundreds or thousands of other chickens.  Most chicken you eat at the restaurants  are these type.

Alpha Living is about going to back to the beginning and eating what your grandparents ate. Your grandparents did not eat chicken every day. Chicken was actually considered to be a luxury and people ate it no more than once or at most twice a week.  So, if you are trying to lower your cholesterol then try to increase vegetables and plants in your diet.  As far as chicken, eat only the organic free range version and only once or twice per week. 

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